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A Roundup of Cool Web Features You’ve Asked for

You, our clients, have the best ideas when it comes to adding features to your website. Some of the ideas are so cool that I want to share them with you in case you might want us to add one of these features to your site. In many cases, all you need to do is ask us, and in other cases, as you’ll see, you may need to do a great deal of work on content and send that to us before we can update your site.

  1. Rotating testimonials.

For those of you who have great testimonials, we can feature them in a rotating slider on the home page. We still recommend you have a separate page for testimonials because they are so important in online marketing these days.

See a sample of a rotating testimonial slider here:

  1. Where’s my refund?

We added a new resource page which includes a “Where’s My Refund?” link to help you cut down on customer service questions.

  1. Post your generic tax organizers.

Want clients to be able to download a generic organizer? If so, send us yours, we’ll upload it and send you the link you can use to share with prospects and clients.

  1. Post a FAQ – Frequently asked questions.

We haven’t gotten one from any clients yet, but I encourage you to create a page of questions that you get asked or questions that you’d like to get asked from clients and prospects. I finally wrote one for Accelerator Websites last year. You can see it here:

  1. Write a review page.

These days, the more clients you can get to leave reviews, the better. They can now leave them on your QuickBooks ProAdvisor profile, your Facebook business page, your LinkedIn profile as a recommendation, your Yelp profile, your Google Business page, and so many more places. To make it easy on clients, you really need a list of places clients can go to leave you a review. And you may want to control where they go if you’re working on building your profile somewhere.  A review page solves this problem.

  1. Post a review form.

A variation of the post a review page is to add a form to collect reviews on the testimonial page of your website that can be added automatically.

  1. Embed your reseller interface.

If you are a reseller for Intuit or another brand, take advantage of the marketing materials in your reseller portal. Intuit has partnered with Zift which has built a page you can embed into your website. All we need is the code from your reseller account as well as a summary paragraph about the reseller part of your business.

See an example here:

If you’ve met the milestone of developing service packages for your business, we can display them in beautiful tables – with or without the pricing.  Here are a couple of examples of our own pages and a client’s.

  1. Special offers page.

We have more than one client who offers discounts to military families as well as first responders. We’re happy to post pages you write about offers you want to publicize. Here’s one:

  1. Portfolio gallery.

While not an accounting firm, we can make special photo displays like this pool builder’s site that we maintain:

  1. Demographics matching.

As you probably know, we prefer showing pictures of business owners rather than calculators so people can relate to them. We also make sure that the people in the photos represent diversity by gender, age, and origin. If you have a specific demographic of client you’d like us to match, we’re happy to switch a few photos out and select different ones that better reflect your business.

  1. PayPal buttons and shopping cart links.

If you have a book or classes for sale and want clients to be able to pay online, we can set up PayPal or shopping cart buttons for you. In the case of PayPal, all you need is the PayPal account. In the case of a shopping cart, you would need to purchase the cart application and merchant account and provide us with the links.

  1. Amazon links.

If you have products on Amazon or any other store, we can add the links for you.  Here’s an example:

  1. QuickBooks products.

If you are an affiliate or reseller of QuickBooks products, we can set up a page that displays the box shots and your affiliate links.

  1. Client logo slider.

If you have clients with recognized brands, a great way to boost your credibility is to have us create a slider of client logos.  See an example on this page:

  1. Embed a video.

If you shot or acquired a video, we can easily embed it on your site. Here’s one:

  1. Co-op advertising reimbursement.

If you sell a good volume of Intuit products, you likely have a personal sales representative working with you. Periodically, Intuit provides reimbursement when you spend money to advertise its products. We’ve worked with many of you on your website and social media investments to make sure they comply with Intuit’s reimbursement policies.

  1. Industry customization.

A few of you serve only one industry, such as restaurants. When that’s the case, we modify your site photos to reflect scenes form that industry.

I’m sure there are many more features that you can think of, and I look forward to hearing your new ideas this year.

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