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Adding Prices to Your Website: Yes or No?

Are you wondering whether or not it’s a good idea to add prices of your services and/or products to your website? This is a tricky topic and, unfortunately, there isn’t a right or wrong answer.

You can find both types of businesses on the Internet today: those who freely list their prices front and center and those who don’t, meaning an interested party will have to reach out and inquire.

There are pros and cons to each option, and we want to explore those options a bit further.

Yes, Add Prices to Your Website

One of the main reasons to display prices of your services and/or products on your website is to potentially avoid low-quality leads and price shoppers. Specifically, if you have done everything to customize, personalize, and de-commoditize your site, then adding prices to your website may be the best solution for separating serious clients from ones that won’t help your business.

There are a couple of different ways to list your prices. For example, you could put out a statement as vague as, “Our packages start at $500 per month.” You could also be extremely detailed, listing the different prices of each package, as well as every single service included in the package. Then, the potential buyer would see exactly what he or she is getting for the price they’re paying.

Other benefits of listing your prices on your website include trust and branding.

Many customers refuse to do business with a company that doesn’t list its prices online. Customers can see this as a way of the business trying to be sneaky or misleading. By adding your prices, you can immediately create a foundation of trust, as well as attract the “right” type of customer—the customer who can afford your services.

Finally, pricing can often be seen as an effective marketing technique and may help set your brand apart from other company’s brands. Specifically, your fees tell potential customers where you see yourself among competitors in the industry and which target market you want to serve.

No, Don’t Add Prices to Your Website

To counter what’s stated above, some companies believe that the best way to build value and trust with a potential customer is by not listing prices of services and/or products on their site. This way, the customer has to make contact with you—either by phone or face-to-face—and in doing so, can understand why your price is what it is and what they are getting for that price. In short, you build a connection, and hopefully, that connection results in a lifetime customer.

In the situation that you offer customized services and/or products, you might also offer customized pricing, which would make it impossible to list your prices. Additionally, you may not want your competitors to learn how much you charge for your products and/or services, as it could cause them to lower their prices in hopes of poaching your customers.

Finally, you may be hesitant to list your prices because you are unsure of your worth or value. However, only you—the business owner—can determine the price of what you have to offer. Consider your skills, experience, time, and the service/product itself. What’s it all worth? Don’t feel guilty about the prices you establish. And, whatever you do, don’t lowball yourself.

There are alternatives to listing your prices on your website, though, including a button that states “call for an estimate,” or “get a quote,” leading them to a form they can fill out which you can then respond to.

Adding Prices to Your Website: The Choice Is Yours

As you can see, there are pros and cons to adding prices to your website. In the end, the choice is yours. However, we recommend doing a test.

You can do a test by adding new content (with prices or without prices) and measuring the amount and quality of leads you get during the time that particular content is up. Then, change the content and see if you get different results. Stick with the content that gives you the results that you like best.

Remember, you can’t assume that just because another company has their prices listed that that method is working for them. It’s easier said than done, but try not to worry about what your competitors are doing; find out what works best for you and your business, and then do that!

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