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Engaging People on Facebook

If you’re posting regularly on your Facebook page (or having us do it as part of your social media package), here are some additional things you can do to make your social investment pay back more.

Invite your friends to like your page.

Underneath the cover (which is the name for the page graphic, look for the three dots menu just after the Like, Follow, Share buttons. Click it and then click Invite Friends. Checkmark the people you want to invite and then click Send Invite(s). The more, the merrier!

Consider friending your clients, vendors, and other business associates.

This is a personal decision, of course, but once you have more friends on Facebook, you have more people to invite to your page.

Never buy “Likes.”  Just don’t. The quality is very low.

Look for local business pages near you.

If you want to target a particular company, that’s easy! Just like their page, and interact with their content.  Hopefully you’ll be noticed.

Our pro packages include some of this activity for you.  We search out local business page near you and “like” their page on your page’s behalf.  Some of their content may appear in your feed and you can interact with it.

Interact with people.

Periodically spend a few minutes on Facebook commenting on other people posts. Post your own updates, which could be about travel, holiday greetings, this week’s hot button at work, an announcement like a new employee starting at your firm or an employee that earned a certificate, or anything else that’s business related.

The gold standard.

The best thing you can do is a live Facebook video.  This is called Facebook Live.  On your page’s posts section, you’ll see a menu that says Create and the first option is Live with a video icon.  Click it, and this will get you started with Facebook Live.  You will need a webcam and audio so that people can hear you.  There is a way to share your screen if you want to do tutorials, and in some cases, this may require additional software.

You can also upload videos that you have recorded previously.  Keep in mind you don’t have to shoot a two-hour movie. A lot of videos are ten seconds in length, and if you go over 1 minutes or so, it’s too long unless you’re doing a class.

Engagement is the key to Facebook right now, so the more you can engage with others, the better your results will be.

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