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Need Content Ideas? Here’s a List of 30 Ideas

Adding content to your site is great for your business. It helps to educate clients. It allows them to get to know you and your communication style. In some cases, it can help to cut down on customer service expense. And it helps your site rank higher.

But what should you write?  Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what to write about, so here’s a list of many of the ways content can take shape.  Hopefully it will trigger your creative juices so you’ll have an idea of what to write about.


1. Answer one or more questions in a FAQ

What are some questions that your clients ask you the most frequently? Each one of these could make a short post, or you can combine the answers into a Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ – article.

2. Ask questions in a survey

A survey is a great way to find out more about your clients. Do you wonder how many employees they have? What about how financially literate they would rate themselves?  All of their answers will give you insight into what makes them tick and how to serve them better.

You can create a satisfaction survey for clients to find out how to improve your customer service. If you have an idea for a new service, you can find out what their interest level might be.

3. Write a quiz

A quiz is a little bit different than a survey, although it is asking questions. When clients take a quiz, they expect to be graded. You’ve seen them in magazines. “Which Disney Leading Lady Are You?” (Teen Vogue, 2010)

Quizzes are popular and tend to go viral easily. You can make up a funny quiz like “Does your eye color predict your financial smarts?” or “What type of saver are you?” where the answers are tied to animals or colors or something.

4. Ask a question via a poll.

A poll usually consists of one question that is timely and tied to current events. While it alone does not generate much content, the answers do. You can also write your opinion of why the answers are what they are.  You can also include a poll question that is open-ended where people can write in their answers.  That will generate a great deal of content for you, and you can later write an article quoting your favorite answers.

Other people’s content

5. Curate an article

If you don’t have much to say yourself, you can always borrow from others.  (I don’t mean steal their copyright.) Simply browse newsletters you subscribe to or the news, and save some articles that you’d like to share. Then write an article that is full of links to the articles you like.

You can also do theme-based curation, where you select a topic and find your top five or so favorite links, and make an article out of that.

6. Use a quote

Using short motivational quotes has been popular in the past, and is still frequently used in social media. Everyone loves a quick reminder of positivity during their normal day.

To find some quotes, simply Google “inspirational quotes on ___” and insert your topic, such as leadership, money, business, tax, or accounting.  Be sure to attribute your quote to the person who said it.

7. Share your testimonials

If clients have sent you reviews of your services or products, use them as content on your website or in social media.  This builds credibility and lets future client see what you’re like to work with.

Company information

8. Summarize your company

Writing an overview about your company is helpful for readers so they can find out more about you.  Include a summary of what you do, who you serve, number of employees, when you started, and where your offices are located.

Consider also including statements on your mission, vision, and values.

9. Make a company announcement

When you hire a new employee, open a new location, add a new service or product, change your hours or policies, or have other corporate news, write it up.

10. Profile an employee

Feature an employee so that your customers can get to know your team better.  This personalizes your business as well.

11. Celebrate a press mention

If your business was mentioned in the press, that’s certainly worth writing up.  You can have a press page on your website or a social media post that links to the press mention.

12. Recount your company history

Let people know the history of your company, especially if you have a long history over multiple generations.

13. Recap an event

Has your company held an event?  Write up a summary of the event and include lots of pictures.

14. Display your policies

While not the most exciting choice on this list, it is essential to post company policies such as privacy, legal, cookies, returns, warranties, shipping, and other company notices.

Product or service information

15. Demonstrate your service or product

Videos are the perfect medium for showcasing your products via a demonstration.  Letting clients know how your product works greatly increases sales.

16. Share a case study

Do you have a story about how a current customer has benefited from your product or service?  Write it up!

17. Write up a backstory

Is there a story behind how your product or service came about?  If so, consumers love stories about your brand; you can make a deeper connection when you share these types of stories.

18. Outline the news

News impacting small business finances in 2020 has been huge. Help your clients figure out how it impacts them related to your services. This includes new laws, IRS announcements, accounting changes, SBA guidance, relief programs, loan options, new CDC and OSHA requirements, and so much more this year.

19. Address an objection

Are there reasons why customers do not buy your product? If so, address it head-on.

Thought leadership

20. Tell us your opinion

This type of content helps you to show your expertise related to the products or services that you offer.  An example for someone who offers tax preparation services might include an article on how a particular tax law can be interpreted.  In accounting, it might include a discussion of the latest features or reports in an accounting software package and how a client can use them.

21. Share a tip

One of the simplest content pieces to write, just list several tips you have for customers that are related to your products and services.

22. Provide a recommendation

Do you recommend a particular software package, tax position, internal control action, or accounting report?  Write about it.

23. Publish a guide or guidelines

If you have recommended steps or guidelines for customers to follow related to your product or service, write them up.  An example might be which forms to use, steps to start a business, what deadlines to pay attention to, what to do when hiring a new employee, or what Chart of Accounts system to follow.


24. Create a how-to piece

Many people search for how-to articles, so writing up how to do something related to your service or product can earn you lots of traffic.

25. Make a list or checklist

People love lists.  This article is a list.  You don’t have to have 100 items on your list; just a few will be fine.  Make lists of how to save money, tax deductions, or QuickBooks features.  Checklists are great too, such as year-end checklist, tax preparation checklists, and more.

26. Document an example

Create an educational piece that includes an example.  Examples help to clarify the learning that you’re trying to get across.

27. Make a video

For any of the above-listed items, you can create and post a video that highlights your content.  Transcribe it and you have an article. Convert it to audio and you have a podcast.

28. Write a social post

If you have something to say that’s short and sweet, it will make a perfect post.  And if not, you can always write a teaser with a link to longer content.

29. Compile a slideshow

Lists as well as many of the other ideas above can make a great piece of content in slideshow format.

30. Write an article

We’ve saved the simplest and most common for last.  Most of the above ideas can be formatted into an article that can be posted on your blog.

Hopefully, this list will give you dozens of ideas about what to write about and how to format your content.

Once you have a content piece written, edited, and finalized, send it to us and let us know where you want it posted on your site.  If you prefer not to write your own content, we can do it for you. Articles range from $150 to $300 per page, and long content can be created from $750 to $1,500.  We can also do series, videos, and much more, so let us know what you’re thinking and we’ll get you a quote.


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